Hartley College Past Pupils’ Association-UK

Hartley College Past Pupils’ Association-UK  is an unincorporated association established in 1983 to promote fellowship amongst Hartleyites in the United Kingdom and support the development and welfare of the College and its past and current pupils.

The HCPPA-UK was the first overseas branch for Hartleyites. Over the last three decades, it did not standstill and continuously reviews its activities and engagements to reflect the desires of its membership and the development needs of the Alma Mater. Many projects have been undertaken to support the development of infrastructure and educational initiatives at the school with the generous support of the members and well-wishers. These projects are undertaken in consultation with the school management and HCPPAs worldwide; the funds are channelled through the HCPPA Trust – a legal entity and co-ordinating body established in Sri Lanka.

Recent and ongoing support to the College has taken many forms; including building a canteen for the school, contributing to land on which stands the new technology laboratory, purchasing weight-lifting equipment for the school, supporting school events, bursaries to help needy children, English language teaching to upskill the pupils and supporting the school with the running of the hostel.

HCPPA-UK hosts events every year to raise funds for these projects and to promote fellowship amongst members and families; the Annual General Meeting and dinner in Winter; Natha Vinotham – a fund raising concert of talented artists in Spring; and a family day in the Summer.

HCPPA-UK is grateful for the generous support of our alumni, families and friends in the United Kingdom.

The objectives of HCPPA-UK are:

  • To promote and develop fellowship amongst the members.
  • To promote the progress and welfare of the College and Hartleyites.
  • To promote our cultural values and sporting interests.
  • To provide assistance to the College and its initiatives.
  • To remain nonpolitical and operate with no affiliation to any political body/party/group.
  • All past pupils of the College and all members of the College Staff (tutorial and non-tutorial), both past and present, are eligible for membership.
  • Members must be residing in the UK during the operative period.
  • Any person eligible for membership may be admitted as a member on payment of an Annual Membership fee of £15.
  • Members may pay the sum of £75 for 5-year membership or £150 for lifetime membership.
  • Former teachers are entitled to become honorary members of the Association with full voting rights.
  • Membership fees are non-refundable once accepted
  • Every application for membership shall be on the prescribed form
    The Principal of the College shall, ex officio, be the Patron of HCPPA-UK
    The Executive Committee shall appoint distinguished members of HCPPA-UK, who are residing in the United Kingdom, to be the Vice-Patrons of HCPPA-UK for the operative period
    • The Association shall be administered, controlled and managed by the Executive Committee in accordance with this Constitution.
    • The following office bearers shall be elected annually, for the operative period from 1 January to 31 December:
      • President
      • Deputy President
      • Secretary
      • Treasurer
      • Deputy Secretary
      • Four Committee Members
    • The elected members from above list together with the outgoing Secretary and Treasurer shall form the Executive Committee of HCPPA-UK.
    • All members of the Executive Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting from amongst the members present at the meeting.
    • The Association shall appoint an Advisory Council (“The Council”) to guide the Association in important operational and financial matters
    • The Council shall consist of:
      • The Secretary and Treasurer of HCPPA-UK as ex officio members; and
      • Seven members appointed at the AGM for an initial period of three years. The term can be renewed with the approval of members at the AGM.
    The Secretary shall be the Chief Executive Officer of HCPPA-UK and shall carry out his duties, subject to the direction of the President and Executive Committee.
    The Treasurer shall collect and keep proper accounts of the finances of HCPPA-UK and shall maintain the necessary books of accounts for the purpose
    Auditor(s) shall be appointed by the Executive Committee to audit and report on the accounts of HCPPA-UK. They shall hold office till the next Annual General Meeting.

    • The Annual General Meeting of HCPPA-UK shall be held on the second Saturday of November every year. However, the Executive Committee may, if it considers it expedient, postpone the meeting to a specific date.
    • At least 21 days’ notice of the meeting shall be given to the members.
    • Any amendment to or revision of this Constitution may be affected only by a resolution passed by two thirds majority present at an Annual or Special General Meeting.
    Designations Name
    President Mr. S. Suthakaran
    Secretary Mr. T. Thayaparan
    Treasurer Mr. V. Jeyanantham
    Deputy President Mr. S. Jeyavarman
    Deputy Secretary Mr. S. Kogulan
    Members Dr.R.Sivakumar
    Mr. S. Kajanthan
    Mr. S. Kirubananthan
    Mr. B. Jeyabalan
    Dr. K. Narenthiran
    Dr. R. Rameshshangar
    Advisory Council Mr.A.Easwaramohan
    Mr. S.Sreekumar
    Vice Patrons Mr. S. Mylvaganam MBE
    Mr. A.N. Sivarajah
    Designations Name
    President Mr. S. Suthakaran
    Deputy President Mr. S. Jeyavarman
    Secretary Mr. S. Kogulan
    Deputy Secretary Dr. Bruce Tamilson
    Treasurer Mr. V. Jeyanantham
    Members Mr S. Jeyabalan
    Mr. S. Kajanthan
    Mr. S. Kirubananthan
    Mr. T. Mayooran
    Dr R. Sivakumar
    Mr. T. Thayaparan
    Advisory Council Mr.A.Easwaramohan
    Mr. S.Sreekumar
    Vice Patrons Mr. S. Mylvaganam MBE
    Mr. A.N. Sivarajah
    Designations Name
    President Dr. R. Sivakumar
    Deputy President Mr. S. Jeyavarman
    Secretary Mr. A. Malaravan
    Deputy Secretary Mr.S. Kogulan
    Treasurer Mr. V. Jeyanantham
    Members Mr. R. Kadamban
    Mr. S. Kajanthan
    Mr. T. Mukunthan
    Mr. S. Prabaharan
    Mr. S. Suthakaran
    Mr. T. Thayaparan
    Advisory Council Mr.A.Easwaramohan
    Mr. S.Sreekumar
    Vice Patrons Mr. S. Mylvaganam MBE
    Mr. A.N. Sivarajah
    Designations Name
    President Dr. R. Sivakumar
    Deputy President Mr. S. Kanendran
    Secretary Mr. A. Malaravan
    Deputy Secretary Mr.S. Prathaban
    Treasurer Mr. V. Jeyanantham
    Members Mr. S. Jeyavarman
    Mr. R. Kadamban
    Mr. S. Kogulan
    Mr. T. Mukunthan
    Mr. S. Prabaharan
    Mr. N. Surendran
    Advisory Council Mr.A.Easwaramohan
    Mr. S.Sreekumar
    Vice Patrons Mr. S. Mylvaganam MBE
    Mr. A.N. Sivarajah
    Designations Name
    President Mr. Suren Nadarajah
    Deputy President Mr. S. Kanendran
    Secretary Dr. R. Sivakumar
    Deputy Secretary Mr. S. Jeyavarman
    Treasurer Mr. V. Jeyanantham
    Members Mr.M. Ellalan
    Mr.A. Malaravan
    Mr. S. Kogulan
    Mr.P. Vykunthan
    Dr. Bruce Tamilson
    Advisory Council Mr.A.Easwaramohan
    Mr. S.Sreekumar
    Vice Patrons Mr. S. Mylvaganam MBE
    Mr. A.N. Sivarajah
    Designations Name
    President Mr. Suren Nadarajah
    Vice-President Dr. R. Sivakumar
    Secretary Dr. Bruce Tamilson
    Treasurer Mr. V. Jeyanantham
    Sports Secretary Mr. S. Kanendran
    Members Dr. P. Anpalahan
    Mr. S. Jeyavarman
    Mr. A.E. Amalanathan
    Mr. S. Kogulan
    Mr. T. Shanthakumar
    Mr. R. Ramanan
    Vice Patrons Mr. A.N. Sivarajah
    Mr. S. Mylvaganam
    Trustees Mr. A. Puvanendran
    Mr. T. Arulnanthy
    Mr. S. Ravirajan
    Designations Name
    President Mr. M. Ellalan
    Vice-President Mr. S. Arunthavarajah
    Secretary Mr. R. Sivanantharajah
    Dr. Bruce Tamilson
    Treasurer Mr. T. Shanthakumar
    Sports Secretary Mr. S. Kanendran
    Members Mr. A. Malaravan
    Mr. K. Kandeepan
    Mr. M. Ramananth
    Mr. B. Senthuran
    Mr. Y. Thineshkumar
    Mr. George Arun
    Mr. Suren Nadarajah
    Mr. P. Mathanraj
    Mr. R. Thirukkumaran
    Vice Patrons Mr. A.N. Sivarajah
    Mr. S. Mylvaganam
    Trustees Mr. A. Puvanendran
    Mr. T. Arulnanthy
    Mr. S. Ravirajan
    Designations Name
    President Mr. V. Jeyanantham
    Vice-President Mr. M. Ellalan
    Secretary Mr. Suren Nadarajah
    Treasurer Mr. T. Shantakumar
    Sports Secretary Mr. S. Arunthavarajah
    Members Dr. P. Anpalahan
    Mr. T. Arulnanthy
    Mr. George Arun
    Mr. S. Kanendran
    Dr. V.B. Manimohan
    Mr. S. Prabaharan
    Mr. S. Ravirajan
    Mr. B. Senthuran
    Dr. R. Sivakumar
    Mr. R. Thirukumaran
    Vice Patrons Mr. A.N. Sivarajah
    Mr. S. Mylvaganam
    Trustees Mr. S. Sreekumar
    Mr. M. Gananathan
    Mr. A. Puvaneswaran
    Designations Name
    President Mr. T. Arulnanthy
    Vice-President Mr.V.Jeyanantham
    Secretary Mr. S. Ravirajan
    Treasurer Mr.M.Ellalan
    Sports Secretary Mr.Y.Thineshkumar
    Members Dr.P.Anpalahan
    Mr.B. Vasudevan
    Mr.S. Jeyavarman
    Vice Patrons Mrs. S. Arulanantham
    Mr. V. Paramaguru
    Trustees Mr. S. Sreekumar
    Designations Name
    President Mr. T. Arulnanthy
    Vice-President Dr. V.B. Manimohan
    Secretary Dr. R. Sivakumar
    Treasurer Mr.A. Puvaneswaran
    Sports Secretary Mr.S. Arunthavarajah
    Members Mr.V. Jeyanantham
    MR.K. Shivakanthan
    Mr.B. Vasudevan
    Mr.R. Giritharan
    Mr.Y. Thineshkumar
    Mr.S. Jeyavarman
    Vice Patrons Mrs.S. Arulanantham
    Mr.V. Paramaguru
    Trustees Mr.S. Sreekumar
    Mr.G. Vigneswaralingam
    Mr.M. Gananathan
    Designations Name
    President Mr. S. Ravirajan
    Vice-President Mr.T.Arulnanthy
    Secretary Dr. V.B. Manimohan
    Treasurer Mr.A.Puvaneswaran
    Sports Secretary Dr.R.Sivakumar
    Members Mr.A.N.Sivarajah
    Mr.B. Vasudevan
    Vice Patrons Mrs.S. Arulanantham
    Mr.V. Paramaguru
    Trustees Mr.G.Vigneswaralingam
    Designations   Name
    President Mr. M. Gananathan
    Vice-President Mr.A.N.Sivarajah
    Secretary Dr. V.B. Manimohan
    Treasurer Mr.A.Puvaneswaran
    Sports Secretary Mr.T.Arulnanthy
    Members Mr.S.Maheswaran
    Vice Patrons Mrs.S. Arulanantham
    Mr.V. Paramaguru
    Trustees Mr.G.Vigneswaralingam
    Designations   Name 
    President Mr. S. Sreekumar
    Vice-President Mr. M. Gananathan
    Secretary Mr.A.N.Sivarajah
    Treasurer Mr.A.Puvaneswaran
    Sports Secretary Mr.T.Arulnanthy
    Members Dr.V.B.Manimohan
    Vice Patrons Mrs.S. Arulanantham
    Mr.V. Paramaguru
    Trustees Mr.G.Vigneswaralingam
    Designations   Name
    President Mr. S. Sreekumar
    Vice-President Mr.M.Gananathan
    Secretary Dr.V.Sarveswaran
    Treasurer Mr.A.Puvaneswaran
    Sports Secretary Mr.G.Vigneswaralingam
    Members Mr.S.Arunthavarajah
    Trustees Mr.A.N.Sivaraja
    Designations   Name  
    President Mr. S Mylvaganam
    Vice-President Mr.M.Gananathan
    Secretary Dr.R.Sivakumar
    Treasurer Mr.A.Puvaneswaran
    Sports Secretary Mr.S.Arunthavarajah
    Members Mr.P.Pirabaharan
    Trustees Mr.A.N.Sivaraja
    Designations   Name  
    President Mr. G. Vigneswaralingam
    Vice-President Mr.S.Mylvaganam
    Secretary Mr.S.Ravirajan
    Treasurer Mr.P.Sivakumar
    Sports Secretary Mr.S.Arunthavarajah
    Members Mr.B.Thirumaran
    Trustees Mr.A.N.Sivaraja
    HCPPA Trust

    Consequent to the recognition of the long felt need to establish a central coordinating body to initiate, plan, implement, monitor and report on Projects funded by the Hartley College Past Pupils’ Associations in Point Pedro, Colombo, U.K, Canada/U.S.A., New South Wales (Australia) and Victoria (Australia) while ensuring accountability and transparency as well as for preventing duplication of efforts and resources, HCPPA Trust was formed.

    Mission statement for the Trust
    To be a catalyst in achieving the vision set for Hartley College, by developing a blue print for arrival point, coordinating with the partners of development (Past Pupils’ Associations, the Govt. and NGO) and identifying their respective roles in this journey and by monitoring the progress.
    For this purpose to also perform the role of Custodian for moneys and other assets entrusted to the Trust.

    The Primary Objectives/Responsibilities of the Trust

    • To assess the existing situation and the needs of the Institution, and record the starting point.
    • To obtain input from all the Branches of the PPA, well wishers of the Institution, and the teaching faculty to develop the perfect arrival point. Once the blue print is prepared, distribute it to interested parties, obtain feed back and finalize the model.
    • To be in constant dialogue with the partners of development, in identifying their respective roles to avoid duplication and also to optimize resources available.
    • To monitor the progress and if need be send progress report to interested parties.
    • To receive, take and hold all descriptions of property (both moveable and immoveable) now or hereafter belonging, or passing in any manner whatsoever, to the Branches of PPA.
    • To hold moneys representing endowments, prize money, moneys raised from time to time by PPA, past pupils or by any other person or body paid over to the Trust.
    • To perform the role of post box or message centre for the partners of development on a best efforts basis.
    List of HCPPAs
    • United Kingdom
    • Australia – NSW
    • Australia – Victoria
    • Canada & USA
    • Sri Lanka – Colombo
    • Sri Lanka – Point Pedro
    • Sri Lanka – Vanni
    • Switzerland