It is with great sadness to inform that Mr Visuvalingam Arulanantham has passed away peacefully on 05-04-2022 in Thunnalai West, Karaveddy. He studied at Hartley College from 1956 to 1965.
He is the loving son of the late Visuvalingam and Rasamma and beloved husband of Indrani. He is the loving father of Subakaran, Sujitha and Sumethan (Hartleyite). He is the father in law of Sivakanthan (Hartleyite) and Sutharshini. He is also the cousin of Gananathan and Prabaharan , both are currently serving in HCPPA UK.
The funerals will be held on 8th April 2022 at 11:00 am with rituals.
Address: Pallam Thoddam, Thunnali West, Karaveddy
HCPPA-UK extends its heartfelt condolences to his family and friends. May his soul rest in peace.