Please find the following updates from HCPPA-UK.

  1. Membership Drive: HCPPA-UK is on a membership drive to increase its strength. Our gratitude to those who have already joined/renewed their membership for 2021. So far, we have 182 active members. Our target for this year is to increase our membership to at least 200 before 31st May 2021. We kindly request all the Hartleyites to join as a member in HCPPA-UK and serve our College. You can submit your HCPPA-UK membership form via our website form. Please help us by passing this information to other Hartleyites in the UK.
  2. Gala Day and Battle of Blues: Both events have been scheduled to take place on the same day as this will be a sensible approach to reduce the risk of Covid-19. These events are scheduled on 17th July 2021 at Frimely Lodge Park.
  3. Upper Floor above Canteen Building: HCPPA-UK is fully funding for the construction of this building. This newly being built floor will be used as classrooms for fine arts and other lessons. The construction cost of the building is substantially increased due to the Covid-19 situation and currency depreciation. Therefore, additional funding was requested by the School via GT to complete this building construction. In addition to this, the canteen building will be fully refurbished including painting. Please note that the existing canteen building was funded by the HCPPA-UK.
  4. Damaged Columns at Pooranampillai Block: A column is structurally damaged, and HCPPA-UK is proposed to repair this along with the canteen upgrade works. This will ensure the safe use of the building and subsequently improve health and safety.
  5. Administrative Staff: Principal has requested all HCPPAs to support Rs.200K for a full-time administration staff for at least a year as this was not provided by the government. HCPPA-NSW and Canada/USA have promised Rs.50K and Rs.60K respectively. HCPPA-UK has decided to contribute the remaining Rs.90K to support this admin staff.
  6. Career Development Fund: HCPPA-UK has facilitated a proposed career development fund for our students. A Hartleyite from HCPPA-UK has funded this project in the name of our former Principal Mr. N. Theivendrarajah, and it is available for all of the students’ career development. This will include financial support and arrangements of seminars and talks, societies & clubs, leadership programmes. This fund will be called ‘Mr. N. Theivendrarajah Career Path Fund’. Rs.500K has already donated and Global Trust will manage the fund.
  7. Art Room Renovation: Principal has suggested modifying the existing art room to a reading/study room and using it for any seminars/societies related conferences. This will include sufficient lighting, fans, painting, desks & chairs. This room shall also be used for the above ‘Career Path’ operations. The same Hartleyite as above is funding Rs.200K for this project through HCPPA-UK.